This project was to design a magazine targeted towards the creative class in the Sacramento area and individuals interested in improving their homes, seeing examples of green architecture, and learning about new home technologies.
During the concept stage the group developed an overall mood and layout for the interior pages. Focusing on large images and clean type with a cohesive navigational system. We drew inspiration from magazines such as Good, Wired, and Dwell. My idea was to make the images and illustrations the focus of the layouts while the text is arranged in a supporting and readable gird.
Each group member wrote their own articles and we each adapted the content, shot original photography and created illustrations to convey the themes of the article while adhering to the original concept.
My overall concept for the magazine was using the white space to frame the content. This is exaggerated on the cover, where I made the images supporting elements. Where as the interior pages use the images much more prominently.