tron ui

TRON (1982) User Interface

DVD Interface & Title Sequence Update.

I chose to re-design the opening title sequence and create a DVD menu interface for the film, TRON. I choose to use the disc as my main design element which represents the life force of the characters, it protects them and is the source of their power. The entire production is tied together using music and sounds that reflect themes in the film.


TRON DVD Menu User Interface

TRON is an iconic movie from my past. It was one of the first films to heavily rely on special effects. Many of the scenes were entirely computer generated. I wanted to carry on this look and feel when I re-designed the opening title sequence and created a user interface for the film. I choose to use the disc as my main design element in both pieces. The interface uses the disc as the main menu system, each click on the buttons surrounding the disc slides the corresponding screen into place.

TRON Title Sequence

The title sequence visualizes the journey of the characters, bouncing their discs off the walls during battle and trying to end up on top. All of the assets were created in Photoshop and the sequence was assembled and edited in After Effects. I used a piece of orchestral music from the film 'The Dark Knight' and slowed it down considerably as the clip progresses.

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